Turning Green into Gold: How manufacturers must harness ESG for both the planet and the bottom line
05 Jun 2024
Digital Transformation Theatre
In an era where sustainability is not just a buzzword but a business imperative, UK manufacturing stands at a pivotal crossroads. Join us for an enlightening talk on how accelerating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting and initiatives can pave the way for a greener tomorrow and unlock unprecedented business growth and innovation.
What you'll learn:
What you'll learn:
- The undeniable impact of ESG on the bottom line
- Why and how to accelerate ESG reporting, as it means more than meeting regulatory compliance
- Why and how to rapidly adapt and use innovative technologies to face the complexities and drive at pace towards sustainability
- Sustainability is no longer a choice but a critical component of modern manufacturing success. But how can we transform this responsibility into a golden opportunity?