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  • The Portuguese company Valuekeep, dedicated to the development and marketing of maintenance management solutions, announces an investment of 1 million euros for internationalization in this region of ...
  • Valuekeep, a company specialized in developing maintenance management solutions, has just announced the release of a new version of their mobile maintenance management solution for the Android, iOS an ...
  • Valuekeep launched its business in Spain about 3 years ago and is currently operating in practically all the country, including the autonomous communities of the Balearic and Canary Islands. The compa ...
  • Valuekeep has optimized the chat feature of the Valuekeep Mobile App, which is now available for all the operating systems available on the market (Android, iOS,) and Windows 10. The chat allows all u ...
  • “Machine manufacturers are currently experiencing a profound generation change. All engineers and designers below their mid-thirties have grown up with cell phones and the Internet. Digital technolo ...
  • Exhibitor Press Releases

    16 Oct 2019 ASP DC
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam pharetra nisi sed nisl rutrum, ac pulvinar libero efficitur. Cras ultrices, dui quis molestie consectetur, diam diam condimentum eros, v ...
  • Trends that are transforming the print industryDigital developments over the last decade have changed the print industry beyond recognition, and it continues to evolve. The latest technology (software ...
  • Digital Maturity in the Manufacturing IndustryDigital maturity is a term which is being utilised increasingly in the manufacturing industry as many organisations look to prepare for digital transforma ...
  • Sundown Products is a well-established manufacturer serving farmers and other customers with a range of products including high-quality cattle feed, horse and poultry bedding.  Its 3-acre production f ...
  • Slow Speed Bearing Inspection with UltrasoundVibration analysis has long been the instrument of choice to use for bearings and other rotating equipment. More commonly, ultrasound is being used in conj ...
  • Switching point, switching window, filter, sonic  beam width, output logic: when a new sensor is installed in a machine, a variety of parameters must be adjusted to the application. The parameter ser ...
  • Ahead of his session at Maintec 2019, Bassey O. Bassey shares more details and background of his research undertaken for Cranfield University.
  • Plant reliability specialist AVT Reliability® will demonstrate its ground-breaking intelligent condition based maintenance (CBM) expertise at the UK's foremost event for the maintenance engineering co ...
  • Black tea processing is energy extensive. Volatility in world oil prices led to many factories switching from oil to biomass (especially wood) to fulfil their steam generation requirements. While this ...
  • Industrial IT solutions provider SolutionsPT has announced it will be showcasing its new portfolio of Aveva asset management products at this year’s Maintec exhibition.