Watch SciMed's First Video Production! The benefits of early testing of fixed and mobile plant assets to prevent unexpected failure, by having on site oil condition monitoring.
Following on from the recent and well attended Oil Condition Monitoring seminar, SciMed have condensed the day’s presentations and instrument demo into one 40 minute video. You will see that they have summarised the real benefits of performing your own oil analysis in-house followed by a real-time video fully analysing a typical oil sample (in this case a hydraulic oil), then discussing the results and showing the recommended remedial actions.
You can find it on YouTube by clicking the image below:

The Minilab includes the Fluid scan, MiniVisc, Laser Net Fines and on this video the Q100 is also demonstrated. This suite of tester empowers asset owners to get real time answer to the condition of their plant machinery. This modular allows very early detection of impending machinery failures. This can be used to test engine oils, gearbox oils, hydraulic fluids, in both static and mobile plant machinery.
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