
17 Nov 2020

Reduce maintenance costs of engine generator sets with portable oil condition tools


Backup power generators often called “Gen Sets” such as those found in hospitals, water treatment plants or even where temporary power is required are often maintained by routine “interval based” servicing whether or not the unit is subjected to a high or low workload.  Interval based maintenance normally involves costly oil changes (both in cost of the new and cost of disposal of old oil).  Quite often the condition of the old oil is still fit for purpose, but conversely, sometimes the oil had probably degraded beyond fit for purpose before the service interval had arrived.  Both scenarios are unwelcome as getting rid of “good” oil is costly and wasteful, but running an engine lubricated by poor oil is obviously detrimental to that engine’s health.



Utilising the Spectro Scientific Fluidscan and Minivisc portable, battery operated oil condition tools, Field Service technicians can rapidly and accurately determine the current condition of a fluid (engine, gearbox or hydraulic) within 5 minutes of drawing a small sample (<1ml) right there at the side of the asset in question.  No chemicals, or solvents are used, real “lab quality” results are displayed (with ASTM method compliance), but an easy to see “pass/fail or caution” message is also displayed

Scimed5The Minivisc quickly determines the fluid’s kinematic viscosity at 40 degrees C, whilst the Fluidscan determines multiple oil condition parameters such as TBN, TAN, Oxidation, Nitration, Sulphation, Soot, Water and Glycol.  Results are stored on the device but can be uploaded to database software once the Technician is back at base for asset trending and reporting.

These advances in oil analysis technologies has resulted in portable oil monitoring tools being available to field service personnel.  Also, those managing fleets of engine generators (standby or even landfill gas) can easily implement a condition-based oil change regime so that operating expenses can be lowered by reducing unnecessary oil change waste and the prevention of catastrophic failures due to degraded in-service oil.

SciMed are the distributors for Spectro Scientific in the UK and Ireland and offer a complete sales, service and support for all products. See us at Maintec 2020/21 Stand M80.

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