Keeping the fish on ice
A fish production factory in Russia were using large refrigeration plants to freeze the fish that had been processed within the factory. The challenge posed to Cold Trade was to install a refrigeration plant with the lowest starting current possible.
Denis Bobin, a controls engineer with Cold Trade, worked with Motortronics UK to specify a suitable soft starter for this application. Motortronics UK supplied Cold Trade with two 280kW VMX-synergyâ„¢ units for use on the 250kW cooling compressors with Semi-Conductor fuses.
Using Motortronics UK's 3.5â€' touch screen, automatic application set-up and automatic features, the two VMX-SGY-401 units were installed and commissioned quickly and efficiently.
Denis chose to work with Motortronics UK on this application for reasons including, their past experience in these applications, the technical support offered, good delivery time and ease of set up and installation.
“The VMX-synergy units from Motortronics UK are the best decision for use in open screw compressor units. The option of fast acting semi-conductor fuses gives a high level of protection.â€' Denis Bobin, Controls Engineer, Cold Trade Ltd.
The automatic set-up and automatic features offered by Motortronics UK soft starters allow the user to commission the VMX-synergyâ„¢ units in a matter of minutes. The automatic features modify the start and stop ramps to ensure that the optimum settings are always selected to give the smoothest possible start (or stop).
Alongside these features, VMX-synergyâ„¢ also boasts, iERS Energy Saving, Live Monitoring, Full Log File recording function and software upgradeable in the field.
For more information on VMX-synergyâ„¢ contact Motortronics UK.
Denis Bobin, Cold Trade Ltd,,