
Cutting Through the Complexity of Machinery Analysis

Cutting Through the Complexity of Machinery Analysis
Baseline of a Good Bearing

New Technology
Traditionally, vibration data has not been routed to the control room because it required specialized training–and frequently specialized tools–to extract any information from the data.
Emerson’s PeakVue technology cuts through the complexity of machinery analysis to provide a simple, reliable indication of equipment health via a single trend. PeakVue filters out traditional vibration signals to focus exclusively on impacting, a much better indicator of overall asset health on pumps, fans, motors or any other type of rolling element bearing machine.


Simple Interpretation
As a measure of impacting, PeakVue readings are much easier to interpret. A good machine, properly installed and well lubricated, should normally not have any impacting on it. This establishes the zero principle:

The PeakVue measurement on a good machine should be at or close to zero.
As common machinery faults begin to appear on rotating equipment (e.g. rolling element bearing defects, gear defects, insufficient lubrication, or pump cavitation), the PeakVue reading typically can be evaluated using the Rule of 10’s.


Bringing Reliability to the Control Room
With these simple principles, PeakVue is a powerful tool to bring reliability to the control room. Operators with no special training in machinery diagnostics can use PeakVue measurements quickly and easily to determine both when a piece of rotating equipment is healthy and when an abnormal situation is present.


Conclusive Analysis
Once an abnormal situation has been identified using the PeakVue overall, detailed diagnostic information can be extracted from the PeakVue waveform or spectrum to determine the exact nature of the defect. PeakVue can visualize distress signals on a machine that are simply not visible with other vibration measurements. Earlier indication of developing defects facilitates optimum maintenance planning and minimizes the impact on production.

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