Controlling your energy costs
Controls and Automation specialist, Carlo Gavazzi has extended their product offering by launching the EM530 and EM540 energy analyser, reducing business energy consumption doesn't just make good business sense it's good for the environment too.
The old adage - you cannot manage what you don't measure - is certainly true when it comes to electricity consumption. The simple function of installing metering on all of the primary energy-consuming plant in a factory or manufacturing facility will provide managers with useful data showing energy usage patterns.
Meters such as Carlo Gavazzi's EM530 and EM540 are perfectly suited to both active and reactive energy metering of individual machines. These meters can be used to monitor single machines, by comparing the energy consumption with the hours of operation, allowing for planned preventive maintenance minimising machine failures. The partial meter reset function option allows you to monitor each individual machine cycle in order to assign an energy cost to each component if required.
A selection of variables can be programmed to display providing for active and reactive energy measurement, options include: system and phase variables such as kW, kvar, kVA, VLL, VLN, PF, Hz, kWdmd, kWdmd peak; phase variables including kW, kvar, kVA, VLN, A, PF. Energy measurement: kWh and kvarh (imported/ exported); kWh+ by 2 tariffs; kWh per phase.