AI: Transforming the Connected Worker Experience in Manufacturing
How is AI transforming the connected worker experience?
For the past few years, Artificial Intelligence aka: AI has been the buzzword in technology. Never in our history has a technology brought with it the opportunities to transform the way we learn, interact and work. However, it wasn’t until the recent and sudden popularity of Generative AI found in tools like ChatGPT, that the true potential benefits of AI started to go mainstream for businesses and technology companies alike.
Read on, but first a little history…
AI - The Concept is Born
The concept of using machines to help solve complex problems and drive new efficiencies is nothing new. In fact, the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) began during the second world war with the work of Alan Turing, a British mathematician. He is most famous for being credited (and the team at Bletchley Park) for building a machine called the Bombe. This machine used logic to decipher encrypted messages generated by the German Enigma Machines that helped to end the war an entire two years earlier than anticipated – saving millions of lives in the process!
In the 1950s, Turing proposed the idea of a "universal machine" that could perform computations similar to those of any human computer. His 1950 paper, "Computing Machinery and Intelligence," introduced the concept of what is now known as the “Turing Test”, a criterion of intelligence that a machine could pass by exhibiting indistinguishable behavior from that of a human. This ushered in the concept of AI.
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