Smart Tank *NEW FOR 2025


Smart Tank 

BRAND NEW for 2025, Smart Manufacturing Week introduces the Smart Tank competition.

This will provide start-ups in Innovation Alley with an engaging platform to present their innovative products and services to potential investors, journalists, industry leaders and partners.  The competition will showcase the businesses and give visitors access to bleeding edge technology in a fun format.

How it Works..


  • Complimentary exhibit space at next year’s event
  • Access to an accelerator program or mentorship
  • Introductions to investors
  • Press/media coverage Media exposure and awareness
  • Free advertising on SMW and post event
  • Interview with TM editorial team with write up published post event in magazine


Our panel will be made up of 3-4 industry leaders, each representing a particular of the smart manufacturing & engineering community. This may include academics, journalists, investors and more.

Our judging mechanism will ensure that comments are passed back to each start up company,  post event.

Potential partnerships, collaborations and investment opportunities with these judges may arise.




Sessions will last between 1 - 1.5 hours and will take place each day, on the 4-5 June 2025, in our solution theatres.

Each start-up company will have a 10-minute slot  - 5 minutes for the pitch and 5 minutes for Q&A from the judges. A professional moderator/industry expert will host and guide these sessions.

LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE - There are only 12 pitch slots available over the 2 day event. 

Timing TBC.