
Denca Controls Ltd

Stand: 5/L110

Good design lies at the heart of successful systems integration. With an ‘outline solution’ first established between customer and project engineer, Denca design engineers then apply the professional skills that differentiate between arriving at ‘a workable result’ and delivering a highly effective, value-for-money, automated control system.

By drawing on our enviable experience, designing and implementing fully integrated electrical and process control systems for applications across a wide range of industries, Denca can ensure we offer a solution that is always tailor-made to meet your specific requirements.

With a comprehensive range of skills offered to help every client and an extensive portfolio of projects at our disposal, our capabilities span across your project’s life cycle from initial specification and design through installation to ongoing maintenance and support.

Company phone number

0151 257 9010


Denca Controls Ltd
Hutchinson St
United Kingdom
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